here are 4 common issues that people often appreciate my help with

i can work with you as a collaborator on a particular campaign or as a consultant on your activity as a whole. a lot of the time, we'll be able to make a serious difference to the effectiveness of your communications in 1-2 days

» get a one-day review as a quick starter

#1: building an engaged audience from scratch

you need: people to hear and be excited about a new thing you're doing

i will: help you identify viable cohorts and develop compelling pitches

you'll get: a strong base of new core enthusiasts about your work

#2: moving past 'preaching to the choir'

you need: to persuasively engage people who don't already agree with your outlook

i will: find ways to articulate your key messages that connect with 'not the usual suspects'

you'll get: interest and interaction from new market segments, without isolating your 'home crowd'

#3: looking ahead without falling over

you need: the space to prepare for the future – but there's always too many immediate needs that you can't let drop

i will: give you the capacity and external perspective to safely take a step back and look at the bigger picture

you'll get: a coherent strategic plan that sets you up for long-term success without jeopardising current obligations

#4: getting unstuck from a stale rut

you need: to inject fresh energy into an approach that served you well but is now beginning to tire

i will: revitalise how you present and express your key messages, from tone of voice to target markets and channels

you'll get: a shot in the arm to your outward-facing identity and reputation

» get in touch to chat through how i can help you