3 quick case studies

i like starting from an end goal and finding a way to make it happen. i relish a challenging brief, and projects that accomplish genuine change

can you change people's behaviours?

strike a light is a small contemporary arts charity in gloucester – a so-called 'cultural cold spot'. i was tasked with generating interest in their work from non-arts-attenders: representative, ordinary residents of the city

after overhauling their entire public pitch, these campaigns became incredibly successful. in post-show surveys, 33%-50% of respondents said it was the first time they'd ever attended an arts event. 57% of audience members were living in postcode areas in the top 20% of deprivation on the imd

a pie chart showing almost 50% of attenders at one strike a light event were new to the arts

can you change people's minds?

one of the most challenging briefs imaginable: change perception of a ‘product’ of which almost everyone is aware but 9/10 don’t use – the bible

i worked with a national charity to devise strategic positioning and plan that would achieve these key objectives. we started rolling out innovative campaigns that rapidly raised public profile. the first campaign alone attracted blanket coverage across national print and broadcast media, including The Sun, BBC News front page and Radio 4 Today – unprecedented for this organisation

a chart showing the relative size of various facebook pages, circa 2015

can you change which people are listening?

i worked with digital democracy company delib from when it was a brand new startup – literally just graduated from a bedroom business

i established sales and marketing approaches in the very early stages of the new venture. i helped rapidly build up their market presence, transitioning from a handful of local customers to a leading player in their field – including winning contracts with the white house and uk parliament

a bar chart showing the growth in delib's user base over time – from virtually zero in 2005 to more than 20,000 activities in 2022'

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