i've been in the business of marketing, strategic communications and just generally persuading people about stuff since 2005

in that time, i've worked on projects for clients including the bbc, battersea arts centre, the uk department for energy and climate change, the science museum and the us department of homeland security (!)

as the years have passed, i've been increasingly troubled by – in short – 'the state of the world'. economic divides growing ever-wider. public policy becoming more brazenly authoritarian and exclusionary. a climate crisis that only accelerates as we fail to curb our addiction to relentless growth and resource exploitation. too many bad stories are winning

i feel compelled to hurry up and more directly fight for change. so i want to focus my efforts on work that rapidly, dramatically confronts these unsustainable trajectories

work-wise, i particularly enjoy supporting small/medium organisations, and people in the early stages of a project or campaign. but i'll happily collaborate with anyone seeking to address these types of problems

i have a strong track record of rapidly improving organisations’ effectiveness by transforming their strategic communications

the need feels urgent and time seems short, so i really really really want to go FAST

i'm a leyton orient fan living in bristol, uk

» get in touch

a black and white photo of ben whitnall's big ol face, for anyone curious